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Our commitment to our authors is to maintain professionalism and integrity at all times by providing a supportive team that is dedicated to assisting you with getting your story published. We provide one on one support from start to the completion of the book as it is depicted in the contract agreement between the author and Rapier Publishing Company. Rapier Publishing Company aims to bring out the best in each author, allowing the author to fulfill his or her God-given assignment and purpose through books. We pride ourselves on creating a friendly TEAM environment during your book processing journey. Our authors are also given the highest author royalties achievable. At Rapier, we promise to give 100% in everything we do.


Pastor James Thornton


James Thornton was born in a small town in lower Alabama. He is the son of a farmer. The discipline that he received from his father placed a demand on him to impact others. He served his country in the navy and the army. It was in the Navy where he met his lovely wife, Nathalee, of forty-six years. They have four children and six grandchildren. He received a Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies and his Doctor of Ministry from the Minnesota Graduate School of Theology. He is currently an Associate Pastor at Northview Christian Church, in Dothan, Alabama under the dynamic leadership of Pastor Hart Ramsey. Mr. Thornton’s desire in life is to know Jesus more. It is in knowing Him that one discovers one’s purpose for coming to earth.


Fannie Pierce 


Through the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit, Fannie is called to the Ministry of Women, helping God’s daughters through the Word of God to become better women, wives, and daughters for God and His Kingdom. She is the author of “Help Meet or Hindrance: Which One Are You?” She is also the owner and president of Rapier Publishing Company. Fannie resides in Dothan, Alabama with her husband, Pete Pierce Jr. of twenty wonderful years and their German Shepherd Max.


Kimberlyn Alford Jackson


Author, teacher, and inspirational speaker, Kimberlyn Alford Jackson, uses life experiences, her imagination, as well as, her personal relationship with God to tell her stories. She resides in Georgia with her husband, Kevin, and children. She earned a B.S. in Chemistry from Troy University and has enjoyed teaching high school science for the past 11 years. Kimberlyn’s books, “Broken: Under Construction,” “Free to Love Again,” “Love Covers All,” and this title “Love is a Journey” all demonstrate the healing and restoration available through Jesus Christ.


Melissa Jones


Melissa Jones is a first-time author, who is destined to become a key novelist in the literary world.  In her new book, “Whose Baby” she brings to life her characters with such vibrancy, humor, and realistic charm, you would think, you were sitting at the kitchen table with your girlfriend as she’s telling you her story. She lives in Bonaire, Georgia with her husband Kelvin of 23 years, and their sixteen-year-old daughter, Khalia. She is a high school counselor at Houston County High School. She has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Sociology from Valdosta State University and a Master’s and Specialist Degree in Guidance and Counseling from Fort Valley State University. Her writing is a gift from God.  Her purpose in life is to live out the call God has on her life and to fulfill His perfect will for her.


Maurice K. Wright


Maurice K. Wright is an apostle, teacher, pastor, and General Overseer and Visionary of the United Christian Church (UCC), an International Ministry in Gadsden, Alabama. Called and anointed by God, he has accepted the mantle, through grace in Jesus Christ as a “father” to the Body of Christ, teaching God’s people with the Word on how to grow spiritually in the Lord, with an end result of becoming mature in Christ. He is a shepherd, mentor and spiritual father to many pastors and ministers in America and abroad. He has received an Honorary Doctoral Degree in Theology from the North Carolina College of Theology in Wilmington, N.C. His ministry currently hosts the North East Alabama College of Theology in Gadsden, a satellite school of the North Carolina College of Theology.  Maurice is married to Brenda F. (White) Wright of thirty-nine blessed years, and with this union, they have three children (two son-in-laws), and four grandchildren.


Ghitana W. Franklin


Ghitana W. Franklin is an upcoming author and conference speaker for women who have been through the emotional battles of marriage, and just life in general. In her first book, “Be Still And Listen” she enables the reader through her poems to see the woman behind the words. From the beginning, her rawness and honesty will take you places within the depths of your soul, where you have hidden away the pain, frustration, and brokenness.  From her heartache, pain, hurt, and frustration, to peace, trust, healing, and finally deliverance, she comes to the realization that the only One who can heal her heart is waiting for her to be still.  Follow her remarkable journey that many of us, if we are honest can relate to because we all had to or are still traveling her path.


Born and residing in Montgomery, Alabama, she is married to Ricky Franklin. They have three children, Philamenia Kirskey, Kierstin Fair, and Kaelin Franklin, two grandchildren Kaden and Dawson Fair, one son-in-law, Jessie Fair. This book is one thing she can call her own. It will inspire you to dream, love and live again, to never give up, and don't stop… keep it moving.

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